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NYU Shanghai Education Development Foundation Procedure for Accounting Archives Management
目的/Purpose of Procedure
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the accounting archives management of NYU Shanghai Education Development Foundation (the “Foundation”) is compliant with the relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including, but not limited to, the PRC Accounting Law, PRC Archive Management Law, and Procedure on Accounting Archives Management.
适用范围/Scope of Procedure
This procedure applies to the collection, custody, uses, verification and destruction of accounting records of the Foundation. As mentioned in this Procedure, accounting archives refer to the texts, graphs and all kinds of financial accounting materials collected and formed in the accounting processes to record and reflect the Foundation’s business transactions of retention values, and
such materials including but not limited to the following:
• 会计凭证,包括原始凭证、记账凭证;
Accounting Vouchers, including original vouchers and bookkeeping voucher;
• 会计账簿,包括总账、明细账、日记账、固定资产卡片及其他辅助性账簿;
Accounting books, including General Ledger, Subsidiary Ledger, Day Book, Fixed Assets Card, and other Auxiliary Books;
• 财务报告,包括月度、年度财务报告;
Financial Reports, including monthly report and annual report;
• 其他会计资料,包括银行存款余额调节表、银行对账单、纳税申报表、会计档案保管清册、会计档案销毁清册、会计档案鉴定意见书及其他具有保存价值的会计资料。
Other accounting materials, including Bank Reconciliation Form, Bank Statement, Tax Filing Form, Accounting Archives Custody Record, Accounting Archives Destruction Record, Accounting Archives Verification Report, and others with values of retention.
Internally generated electronic data and materials within the scope of accounting archives are allowed to save in electronic type to form electronic accounting records. Externally collected accounting materials, attached with electronic signature in accordance with Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China, could be saved and archived in forms of electronic data.
I. Collection of Accounting Archives/会计档案的归集
The finance personnel shall organize accounting materials periodically in accordance with the above accounting archives scope and its requirement, and create an Accounting Archives Custody Record.
II. 会计档案的保管/Custody of Accounting Archives
Accounting records created within the year shall be under temporary custody of finance personnel before retention into Archive Room for another year, after the calendar year. Any delay due to work-related demand shall be approved by the Finance Department. Temporary custody by finance personnel shall not exceed more than 3 years. To be compliant with of the PRC Archive Management Law, a cashier cannot take role of accounting archives custodian during temporary custody.
Finance personnel shall follow relevant regulation of the state law when conducting archiving.
Paper records shall remain their original sealing and packing during archiving. Electronic records shall be attached with their original data and in the file format which is compliant with relevant regulation of the state law. Electronic records of special file format shall be transited along with its data platform.
The in-charge person of Finance Department shall check and test the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, and security of the electronic records during archiving.
Custody term falls into 2 categories – permanent and fixed term. Fixed term include 10 years and 30 years. Custody term of accounting records starts from the 1st day following the end of Chinese Fiscal Year. Breakdown of Custody Term of Accounting Records is attached as the Appendix to this Procedure.
III. 会计档案的使用/Uses of Accounting Archives
Generally, accounting records shall not be lent to outsiders. If accounting records has to be lent due to work-related demand and also in accordance with relevant statement regulations, approval from the Finance Department should be obtained. Records shall be taken on any inquiry, duplication or borrowing of accounting records. Manipulation or damage is strictly forbidden.
The Finance Department shall double check to ensure the security and completeness of accounting records upon their return. Accounting records that have not been returned on time shall be reported to the in-charge person of Finance Department and a written request for the return of the accounting records shall be delivered to the borrower. Borrower is responsible for any legal consequences that may occur due to the borrowing.
IV. 会计档案的鉴定销毁/Verification and Destruction of Accounting Archives
Finance Department shall conduct verification of accounting archives prior to expiration of the custody term and create an Accounting Archives Verification Report. Custody term could be reset after verification on archives that still need archiving. Destruction is allowed on expired archives with no further value of archiving.
The following sequences shall be followed on archive destruction after verification.
• 财务部编制会计档案销毁清册,列明拟销毁会计档案的名称、起止年度、档案编号、应保管期限、已保管期限和销毁时间等内容。
Finance Department shall create Accounting Archives Destruction Record and list the proposed destruction of archives with file names, start/end year, archive reference number, statutory custody term, actual custody term, date of destruction.
• 基金会秘书处、财务部、各经办人在会计档案销毁清册上签署意见。
The Foundation’s Secretariat, Finance Department, and handling personnel shall all sign off in the Accounting Archives Destruction Record.
• 财务部负责组织会计档案销毁工作,并与基金会秘书处共同派员监销。监销人在会计档案销毁前,应当按照会计档案销毁清册所列内容进行清点核对;在会计档案销毁后,应当在会计档案销毁清册上签名或盖章。
The Accounting Archives Destruction Project shall be initiated by Finance Department and be witnessed by the Foundation’s Secretariat. Witness shall count the listed items in the Accounting Archives Destruction Record prior to the destruction act, and confirm in Accounting Archives Destruction Record after the act.
Destruction of electronic accounting archives shall also abide by relevant regulations on electronic archives, and be witnessed by personnel from Finance Department, the Foundation’s Secretariat, along with IT Department.
Finance vouchers relating to expired but unsettled credit or liability or any other pending issues must not be destroyed. Such paper records should be selected and organized separately while electronic records saved separately, until pending issue is settled. Separately organized and saved accounting records should be remarked in Accounting Archives Verification Report, Accounting Archives Destruction Record, and Accounting Archives Custody Recor